Valuation of our services

Aftermarket properties

Primary market property



We approach each project individually in order to apply the most optimal solutions for the investment.

Consult our advisor on the valuation of the renovation and details.


+48 515 120 750

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ADSA-Remonty Service Process 

We approach each project individually so that your property stands out in the rental market. We know exactly what the expectations of potential tenants are and we know the standards of the market, so we are able to offer the best possible solutions for the project and implementation.

Comprehensive renovation of real estate for rent

Do you have a secondary or primary market apartment for rent?

Our company is involved in preparing your investment at the highest level.

ADSA - Repairs, thanks to many years of experience and specialization in the field of investment property repairs, has developed standards and procedures, thanks to which the whole process of investment preparation is professional and passive for you.